3 Years Strong

Hey all! I know that I don’t post regularly, but I just had to do a post celebrating 3 years living tiny. It feels like a big accomplishment some days. Despite the few challenges we face we are still loving the lifestyle that living tiny provides us. We love the fact that there’s less cleaning, less wasted space, less stuff, but much more closeness. That’s one thing we rarely struggle with: being together in close quarters. I suppose we’re fortunate to not be personality types where we need a lot of privacy. We basically live in 1 big room, thankfully with 3 doors we can close for some semblance of privacy. We love having some space outside to enjoy and have been working to improve the landscaping around us. It is what makes tiny living really shine. You appreciate the wide open spaces the outdoors provides.

You might be wondering how life during a pandemic might look like in a tiny house. Basically, a lot like when we used to homeschool, minus the field trips and library visits. It’s an uncertain time with challenges but we are appreciating the opportunity to slow down and smell the trees. Enjoying God’s beautiful creation as much as we can, being thankful for the beautiful weather and the miracle of planting a garden and seeing it grow. We have had to adjust to being together so much again and went through a few hiccups and we’re learning grace and the power of communication. The small space is really a blessing when I think about how it forces us to face our problems head on and not hide from each other and draw out issues that need dealing with. I can see the kids really thriving right now and I’m proud of them. Tim has had lots of time to tackle some projects and has been keeping very busy in the yard.


So 3 years later we are still fans of tiny living and continue our journey in this direction. Follow us on Instagram for more regular updates.


I'm a city girl who decided with my family (hubby and 2 kids) to embark on an adventure to live in a 34 foot tiny house in the country. We wanted a radical change to the way we were doing life, and we got it. I am loving the journey God has taken us on so far and I am excited to see what the future holds, as I know it is in His hands.

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