Tiny House Face Lift

This is something we’ve debated for most of our time living tiny. When we were building our house Tim preferred leaving the cedar siding “au natural” and since I didn’t feel particularly passionate either way we went with that. Continue reading “Tiny House Face Lift”

3 Years Strong

Hey all! I know that I don’t post regularly, but I just had to do a post celebrating 3 years living tiny. It feels like a big accomplishment some days. Despite the few challenges we face we are still loving the lifestyle that living tiny provides us. We love the fact that there’s less cleaning, less wasted space, less stuff, but much more closeness. That’s one thing we rarely struggle with: Continue reading “3 Years Strong”

Increasing the Cozy

We finally did it! We upgraded our mattress. We had been using a queen size futon mattress and it was good for a time, albeit it is more on the firm side. I think over time with us flipping it every month or two it became packed down where Tim and I sleep and our weight just took its toll and we started needing something softer. If you didn’t realize yet, I can be pretty indecisive and I like to research things before I do them. So I spent a good few months looking into options. As much as I would like to say that comfort was first priority, I’d be lying. Continue reading “Increasing the Cozy”

Winter 2019 Update

Well we are experiencing “winter” on the Island. Alberta is having such cold temperatures right now and we are thankful we’re not having to deal with freezing pipes this year! Cold winter conditions here on Vancouver Island are a skiff of snow and around or below zero temperature. We have insulated our water line but not in the same manner we would have in Alberta. So far so good. It seems like this is to be the bad week for weather here.

After living in the house for close to 2 years now I feel like we have been able to evaluate what is working well and what is not. We are still loving the house and overall it works for us. There are a couple spots we would like to improve on. One of them is the built-in bench seating. This is a tricky spot for us. We love the space saving ability and storage of the built-ins but this seat area is on the narrow side and is not a comfortable space to curl up in and watch a movie or read. We all want the corner spot of course. You can put your feet up and stretch out. It’s a fine spot for opening up the table and eating or doing school work, other than the fact that the person who gets trapped in the back has to climb over everyone to get out. So we are debating either leaving it at is and trying to make a nice outdoor space to relax in as soon as the weather is good, or looking at other options for that space such as bringing in a couch instead. I’ll let you know if we make any big changes. The other area that we think we can use better is right by the front door. There is a beautiful desk area that our builder made for the kids. They each have a desk that opens up that they can use for their books. The desks are moveable and can pull out too. The kids don’t actually sit there much, they use the desks more for storage. I think they will use them more as they get older and start doing their school work more independently but right now this area is becoming a catch-all for clutter. Underneath the desks the kids stuff anything they can there and it just looks messy. I am looking forward to going through the house soon and de-cluttering it again. I also need to come up with little fixes like where I can put all our water bottles that are close at hand but not on the counter. We use our water bottles regularly but they are glass and they are heavy and narrow and fall down and I would like to contain them somehow. So I am looking for ideas to store papers and water bottles and my essential oils. I’m thinking baskets and shelves and such,  just hoping to use the space better. If you have any ideas please share them! I am so excited to experience spring here and make an outdoor space. If I come up with something I’ll be sure to share it with you.

Happy New Year

Hello! Sorry it’s been so long since there’s been an update. We still don’t have internet where we are so it’s a challenge to get on here. We’ve gotten a lot more settled in our new area on Vancouver Island. Many challenges have been overcome such as 8 weeks of no power, that was a struggle for sure. We also lost power twice since then due to storms. We’ve learned how to be more self sufficient.

This is a picture right before we left Edmonton.


Wishing you all a Happy New Year!! I am looking forward to 2019 and all the new wonders to discover in this country and to see what adventures God has in store for us. I know He’s got my hand in all this and I trust His guidance.

Heading West

After packing up the house and the big truck it was time for the actual driving west. We were delayed by a day due to the trailer brake controller, which we thought was important enough to set up properly. When everything on the truck and house were working perfectly, we hooked up and tried to maneuver our way out of the property we had been on. This was no small task. The truck and house together are 71 feet so it is not easy to turn it around with just a little wiggle room. Let’s just say it took a shovel, a rake, a bucket of sweat, 3 hours, a few watchful eyes, some impressive driving skills. Continue reading “Heading West”

The Start of an Adventure

So if you follow us on Instagram then you have had a sneak peek at our adventure already but I am going to start at the beginning of the story now and walk you through it. Tim and I have wanted to move west for over a decade but it never quite felt right. Now that our life right now consists of us homeschooling and we have a house that sits on wheels and is ready to move we felt like maybe we were closer to seeing our dream become a reality. Continue reading “The Start of an Adventure”